Welcome to The Vitality Center. We like to think of this sanctuary as a place for healing. It is a home for aligning the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual capacities we were born with. This is a place where we help you access that which is stored in your nervous system, to unblock energy that is bound, and create the most powerful transformations to becoming the most congruent human being you are here to be.
We invite you to dive in, play full out, and be curious. The more you are willing to put in, expose, feel, the more you will move, and the faster. We all have different paces at which we move. Some of us are more ‘yes’ people, and have more courage to move fast. Others have more resistance, or hesitation. We welcome you at whichever space you hold. All resistance is there for a reason, and has played a very important role in your life up until now.
We have extensive education and experience in integrating a variety of tools which we have found to be the most useful in our own unraveling, repairing, feeling, and expanding. We hope that you will use this information to the most of your advantage.
It takes a lot to have made it this far. Whatever it is that brought you in here has an intelligence that is asking you to learn more, go deeper, feel and include. Thank you for listening to that message.